Carrara 8 Pro
New!!! Carrara 8.5 Pro Released

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mimic Pro Review

Mimic Pro
Mimic Pro provides an advanced environment for easily creating and editing facial animation. Take existing WAV audio files of any language, and to allow moving the character mimics you. Or take the tradition of a separate file inside the recording studio. With the ability to express in such gestures, winks and smiles, your figures just like to add expressive, because it allows your imagination. Mimic Pro make your custom character ERC and morph settings during playback, and contains the user interface more intuitive and enhanced features that will drastically cut your time of production. Place your characters favorite 3D were not easier thanks to the Mimic Pro - and now it's better than ever!

I got this form Yoda Model so I can practice lipsync to that with the Mimic Pro, Carrara 8 and Poser 7. I've finished liberation from the face of meshes in the Carrara, and output to Poser, then imported to Mimic Pro, and then saved as a pose and exported back to the Poser to apply. It takes some time to handle it, export it, etc., but  you will end up can make it.